The 2000 Census recorded 5.859 million inhabitants residing in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. This population is the result of a growth rate above the national average until the 1960s, primarily due to intense immigration. Natural growth has always remained below the national average due to the low fertility rates that have historically characterized the municipality.
However, over the last 40 years, the population growth rate began to decline more rapidly than that of Brazil as a whole. Between 1991 and 2000, Rio's growth rate did not reach 50% of the national rate. In the previous decade, the gap was even more pronounced, as the former represented only 36% of the latter. Nonetheless, in the 1990s, while the national growth rate declined, Rio's experienced a slight increase.
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CAMARANO, Ana Amélia. Fertility Transition in Brazil in the Twentieth Century: a comparative study of three areas. Londres, 1996. (Tese de doutorado submetida à Universidade de Londres).
CAMARANO, Ana Amélia, BELTRÃO, Kaizô Iwakami, ARÁUJO, Herton Ellery Araújo e PINTO, Marly Santos Pinto. Transformações no padrão etário da mortalidade brasileira em 1979-1994 e o seu impacto na força de trabalho. Brasília, IPEA, Texto para Discussão no 512, Setembro 1997.
CAMARANO, Ana Amélia (1998). Fecundidade e anticoncepção da população de 15-19 anos. In: Seminário Gravidez na Adolescência. Elisabeth Meloni Vieira; Maria Eugênia Lemos Fernandes, Patrícia Bailey; Arlene McKay (org.). Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
MEDEIROS, Marcelo Coelho de Souza (1998). A maternidade nas mulheres de 15 a 19 anos como desvantagem social. In: Seminário Gravidez na Adolescência. Organizadoras: Elisabeth Meloni Vieira; Maria Eugênia Lemos Fernandes; Patrícia Bailey; Arlene McKay. Projetos de estudo da mulher (PEM). Rio de Janeiro.
UNITED NATIONS, Manual X: Indirect Techniques for Demographic Estimation, New York, Department of International Economics and Social Affairs, Population Studies No 81, 1983.
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