The public administration counts at the present time with such tools as the technologies of information and communication for the improvement of the cities administration, but the available information made by the several organs that compose the municipal structure are organized for internal use and not in order to allow to the municipal public manager use them for the solution of the city problems immediately, because they are scattered, disconnected and in varied computational atmospheres. Not only the areas that treat of the information intern of each organ do it in the way to take care of their specific interests, as well as they ignore the practices of the other organs concerning their solutions. With the purpose of creating a common atmosphere in which the collaboration, the autonomy, the integration and the scale earnings were the pillars of the corporate geographical base of the City Hall of the City of Rio de Janeiro, the Instituto Pereira Passos (IPP-Rio) it formalized, in the Diretoria de Informações da Cidade (DIC) in 2014, the creation of the Municipal System of Urban Information (SIURB), instrument foreseen in the Master Plan to manage and to disseminate the information openly on the City of Rio de Janeiro. Thus, the objective of that study is it of rescuing the antecedents of SIURB, his institutionalization, operationalization and impacts in the administration of the knowledge, having the premise to be a politics of State, and not of the government.
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REZENDE, Denis Alcides; GUAGLIARDI, José Augusto. Instrumentos de planejamento municipal, administração pública de prefeituras, sistemas de informação e tecnologia da informação: múltiplos estudos de casos em pequenos municípios do Paraná e Bahia. ENCONTRO DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO PÚBLICA E GOVERNANÇA, 2., 2006, São Paulo. Anais eletrônicos... São Paulo: s.l., 2006. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 20 mar. 2017.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Helcio de Medeiros Junior, Adriano Reginaldo Alem