Vol. 3 No. 1: 2003

Articles on a variety of themes, encompassing academic, technical, and/or scientific studies on topics related to the city of Rio de Janeiro, including its metropolitan links and its placement in regional, national, and international contexts. These studies follow the formatting standards established by the Editorial Committee and published on the Coleção Estudos Cariocas journal page. Each submission is reviewed by the Editorial Committee and evaluated by two reviewers through a double-blind peer review process. 


Pedro Abramo
Residential Mobility in the City of Rio de Janeiro
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
SMF, PGM, IPP/Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro
Real Estate Development of the Port Area of Rio
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Adriano Alem
Real Estate Market: An Analysis of the Real Estate Dynamics through Property Launches, Building Permits, and Occupied Personnel in Construction in the City of Rio de Janeiro
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
François Bremaeker
The Human Development Index of the Municipalities in the Capitals in 2000
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Pedro Abramo
The Dynamics of the Informal Land Market in Slums and the Residential Mobility of the Poor
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
SMU, IPP/Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro
Recovery and Revitalization of the Port Area
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Alcides Carneiro
Similarities and Diversities of the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro According to the PNAD's of 1992 and 2001
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Leonardo de Medeiros Maier, Vívian Rosa de Oliveira, Karla Cristina Régis Rezende, Valéria Denise Rodrigues Vieira, Clóvis Ricardo de Carvalho
Evaluation of the Presence of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria in the Sands of Two Low-Hydrodynamics and High Human Occupation Beaches on the Coast of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Pedro Abramo
Market for Commercial Real Estate in Favelas: Pilot Study in Jacarezinho
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Cesar Maia
Rio de Janeiro and Favela-Bairro
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Helcio de Medeiros Junior
Economic Policy in the City of Rio de Janeiro
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Mônica Bahia Schlee
Transformations in the Landscape and Their Effects on the Environmental Quality of the Carioca River Basin
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
"Macrofunção Habitar o Centro" / Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro
The Revitalization of the City Center
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.